crafty me

crafty me

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mini Cake

My mom made a cake and she said that I could have the leftover pieces to make a mini cake that she cut off to level the cake. I took those cake pieces and I crumbled them into tiny bits. I mixed them with frosting and shaped them, by putting them into 2 cups lined with plastic wrap.

  Next, I put my "cakes" into the freezer for a little bit. When they were firm, I took them out and frosted them together. I also put a crumb coat on the outside. Back in the freezer for a couple hours.

        The last part was the fun part- decorating!! Here's my finished product.  A cute mini cake. Of course, I used my cake stands and it looked great.
    This is something young kids can do all by themselves. I hope you make this and enjoy it!

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