crafty me

crafty me

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mother's Day window card (craft)

 I made a Mother's Day window card craft using tape, paper, and markers. Here's a picture of two different types that I made.

Fold your paper in half. Cut a rectangle (window) in the front of your card. With the card closed, write Mom or Mother in the hole. Open the card and place tape (sticky side down) over the window.
Close the card and place tape sticky side down over the other side of the window.
Before putting the second piece of tape on, you can add little cutouts to the window. Make sure that the word mom doesn't get covered. You can decorate the front however you like.

The last step is to write a message inside the card that will not show through the window.

I hope try this Mother's Day window card craft. I'm going to give this to my mom with a gift.

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